Olive leaf a natural medicine.

The leaves of this plant are perfect to help prevent strokes, diabetes, hypertension and Alzheimer’s…
Learn how to use them
For their benefits, the leafs are sold  all over the world, in Italy its properties is undervalued.

These are the olive leaves:

rich in properties and benefits, and particularly effective against diabetes and Alzheimer’s
The olive tree is native to the Mediterranean, and is present almost anywhere in central and southern Italian, and in some regions of the north.
Its use in medicine dates back from ancient Egypt, while in 1800 its leaves were used to block the fever. These leaves protect the cardiovascular system and the immune system, promotes a healthy blood pressure and prevents Alzheimer’s and diabetes.

foto di Giorgio Muffato.

The best way to enjoy its benefits is to prepare an infusion of olive leaves, boil a few leaves in water. If you choose it for the extract, just pour a few drops in a glass of water.

Medicinal uses of olive leaves are  useful against candida infections, meningitis, encephalitis, the flu , malaria, chronic fatigue, tuberculosis, diarria, ear infections.



